I recently acquired a book titled Bottles and Bins Recipes, published by C. Mondavi & Sons: 1965
As I was perusing the titles and the recipes and casually thumbing through it, I came across this poem by Miriam Allen deFord on page 108.
Young Dionysus ranged the earth
To teach the sons of man
A magic of surprising worth --
And vineyards thus began
Now, drainers of the grape-born cup,
Remember him, your guide,
And toast him as you gaily sup
At this glad Christmastide.
And as the old year sinks to rest,
Praise him in draughts of wine
Who gave to all mankind his best --
The secret of the vine!
To a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous New Year!
Cheers, SR
Lion Ranch
7 years ago